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Version: Node.js

Magical Auth Reference

To perform a Magical Auth 2FA verification you need to the following steps:

  1. Initiate a 2FA verification session: This is done by sending a request from the user's device or from the backend by providing the user's phone number. The server will detect what verification channel the user is able to perform and initiate the verification process.
  2. Verify the user: This is done by sending the verification code to the server to check if the user has successfully verified their phone number.

The Magical Auth service is available through the MagicalAuthClient through the GlideClient instance.

MagicAuthClient Reference


1. startServerAuth

Description: startServerAuth starts the 2FA verification process by sending a request from the application server by providing the user's phone number or email.


async startServerAuth(props: MagicAuthStartServerAuthProps): Promise<MagicAuthStartServerAuthResponse>


phoneNumberstringOptional - The phone number to verify
emailstringOptional - The email to verify
redirectUrlstringOptional - URL to redirect after verification
statestringOptional - A state value that can be used to maintain state between the client and server
otpConfirmationUrlstringOptional - Custom URL for OTP confirmation page
rcsConfirmationUrlstringOptional - Custom URL for RCS waiting page
fallbackChannelstringOptional - Fallback verification method ('SMS', 'EMAIL', 'RCS', or 'NO_FALLBACK')

At least one of phoneNumber or email must be provided.


  • MagicAuthStartServerAuthResponse: An object containing the session identifier and the auth URL to redirect the user to complete the verification.

MagicAuthStartServerAuthResponse Properties:

sessionIdstringUnique session identifier for this verification attempt
authUrlstringURL where the user should be directed to complete verification


const { GlideClient } = require('@glide/sdk');

async function main() {
const glide = new GlideClient();

// Start server auth with phone number
const response = await glide.magicAuth.startServerAuth({
phoneNumber: "+555123456789"

console.log(`Session ID: ${response.sessionId}`);
console.log(`Auth URL: ${response.authUrl}`);


2. checkServerAuth

Description: checkServerAuth checks the status of a server-side verification initiated with startServerAuth.


async checkServerAuth(sessionId: string): Promise<CheckServerAuthResponse>


sessionIdstringThe session ID received from startServerAuth


  • CheckServerAuthResponse: An object containing the verification status.

CheckServerAuthResponse Properties:

statusstringCurrent status of the verification ('PENDING' or 'COMPLETED')
verifiedbooleanWhether the verification was successful (only meaningful when status is COMPLETED)


const { GlideClient } = require('@glide/sdk');

async function main() {
const glide = new GlideClient();

// Check server auth status
const response = await glide.magicAuth.checkServerAuth(

if (response.status === "COMPLETED") {
if (response.verified) {
console.log("Verification successful!");
} else {
console.log("Verification failed!");
} else {
console.log("Verification still pending...");


3. startAuth

Description: startAuth starts the 2FA verification process by sending a request from the user's device or by providing the user's phone number.


startAuth(props: MagicAuthStartProps = {}, conf: ApiConfig = {}): Promise<MagicAuthStartResponse>;


propsMagicAuthStartPropsAn object containing the start auth properties.
confApiConfigAn object containing optional API configuration like session.

MagicAuthStartProps Properties:

phoneNumberstringOptional - The phone number to verify.
emailstringOptional - The email to verify.
redirectUrlstringOptional - The URL to which the user will be redirected after a successful verification.
statestringOptional - A state value that can be used to maintain state between the client and server.
deviceIpAddressstringOptional - The IP address of the device that will be used to verify the user.

One of phoneNumber or email must be provided.

deviceIpAddress should be provided when the request is made from a server on behalf of the end-user device, ensuring accurate IP-based verification and geolocation services.


  • MagicAuthStartResponse: An object containing the verification status.

MagicAuthStartResponse Properties:

typestringThe value can be MAGIC, SMS or EMAIL
authUrlstringOptional - The URL to open on the user's device in case of MAGIC type.
flatAuthUrlstringOptional - The plain URL to use .In case you do not want to redirect or to open at user's device use this.
operatorIdstringOptional - The OperatorId.


import { GlideClient } from "glide-sdk";

async function main() {
const glide = new GlideClient();
const magicAuthStartResponse = await glide.magicAuth.startAuth({
phoneNumber: "+555123456789"

if (magicAuthStartResponse.type === "MAGIC") {
console.log(`Open this URL on the user's device: ${magicAuthStartResponse.authUrl}`);
} else {
console.log(`Verification code sent to the user's device using channel ${magicAuthStartResponse.type}`);


4. verifyAuth

Description: verifyAuth checks the code / token received from the user's device to verify the user.


verifyAuth(props: MagicAuthVerifyProps, conf: ApiConfig): Promise<MagicAuthCheckResponse>;


propsMagicAuthVerifyPropsAn object containing the verification properties.
confApiConfigAn object containing optional API configuration like session.

MagicAuthVerifyProps Properties:

codestringOptional - The code received from the user's device via EMAIL or SMS.
phoneNumberstringOptional - The phone number to verify if SMS or MAGIC.
emailstringOptional - The email to verify in case of EMAIL
tokenstringOptional - The token received from the user's device in case of MAGIC.
deviceIpAddressstringOptional - The IP address of the device that will be used to verify the user.

Two paramters need to be sent based on the type received from the startAuth method.

  • SIM: token and phoneNumber
  • MAGIC: token and phoneNumber
  • SMS: code and phoneNumber
  • EMAIL: code and email


  • MagicAuthCheckResponse: A MagicAuthCheckResponse instance.

MagicAuthCheckResponse Properties:

verifiedbooleanWhether the user is verified.


import { GlideClient } from "glide-sdk";

async function main() {
const glide = new GlideClient();
const magicAuthCheckResponse = await glide.magicAuth.verifyAuth({
token: "code-from-user-device",
phoneNumber: "+555123456789"

if (magicAuthCheckResponse.verified) {
console.log("User verified");
} else {
console.log("User not verified");


Error Handling

Each method in ExampleService can throw errors under certain conditions. Developers should handle these exceptions as part of their implementation. Common errors include:

  • InvalidInputError: Thrown when input parameters do not meet the required format or type.
  • OperationFailedError: Thrown when an operation cannot be completed successfully due to various issues, such as network problems or service unavailability.

Type Definitions


This object can be sent to most service apis to override the default configuration like the access token used in the request.


sessionSessionAn optional session object for authentication and authorization.


This object represents a user session with an access token, expiration time, and associated scopes.


accessTokenstringThe access token for the session.
expiresAtnumberThe expiration time of the session.
scopesstring[]An array of scopes associated with the session.